2015 Auction Wrap Up
What a night!
With over 250 people attending and 130 registered bidders, it was a fantastic evening of live music. outstanding catering, raffles, and the main event – the art auction.
With 94 artworks up for sale, and some fierce bidding we sold 82% of the artwork – which is an outstanding effort.
Best outcome to date – $29,000 in profit was made on the fundraising night from the artwork, raffles, catalogue sales, silent auction and the food and beverage sales. This will be divided evenly between the Music and SVAPA departments to give these students further educational opportunities in these programs.
In another first, we took over both floors of the senior school building to accommodate the increasingly popular evening and we thank Tony Monahan for ably stepping in at the last minute, as MC.
The Auction night involves an immense amount of planning and organising to ensure the success and the dedicated team of volunteers is guided by the very competent convenor, Sonja Davidson.
We thank the artists, sponsors, school, P&C, students and the friends and parents who help to run this fundraising event.
See you in 2016!